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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Search queries - Gmail

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Say, you have postponed reading a lot of mail and have read a few in between and left many unread. Gmail only has 100 conversations per page but your unread items are scattered in subsequent pages. To be able to view all your unread mail at once, use the search query label:unread in the search box on top of the Gmail page. Similarly, appending queries such as is:starred, is:unread, is:read, is:chat can be used within Gmail to sort through starred, unread, read and chat messages respectively. For example a search query like in:trash is:unread searches for all unread mail presently in the trash folder.
One of Gmail's maost efficient functions is its search

You can also search messages with tags like from, to, subject and folder. Use of operators such as OR is also allowed. For example from:trickmaker OR to:trickmaker after:2010/04/02 searches for all mail sent to, and received from trickmaker after April 2, 2010. The | character can also be used in place of OR. The search term followed by in:foldername will search for your search term only within the folder specified. Default folders include Inbox, Trash, Spam, and sent Folder.


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