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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Save Setting, Sorting, Drag & Drop, Character translation function in Bulk rename utility

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Character translations:

This allows you to preset changes that you’d like to make to characters. Let’s say that all your digital camera images have the prefix DSC, and instead of cropping or deleting it, you would like it to be prefixed with Photo. Using Options > Translations, you may set them. That includes replacement for special characters like $ and for any ASCII value.
For example, to convert from capital A to capital B, you may use the following translations A=B, 41=42, 065=066, A=066, 41=066 and so on.
You may use direct values, hex values or decimal values as in the example above. You may even convert pairs. Like every D,S,C = P,H,O,T,O. Of course, if you wish to convert a comma sign, you can’t use the direct value, you’ll need to use the Hex or Decimal value. Please note that Character Translations need to be reset every time, else they could tamper the rest of the renaming operations.

Drag and drop functionality:

Bulk Review Utility has a drag and drop option. Using this, you may directly drop files from Windows Explorer onto the interface. This is useful when you need to process files which are different locations.

Sorting files and folders together:

Since BRU works for both files and folders, there is no necessity of differentiating between the two while batch processing. Unfortunately, Windows Explorer sorts files and folders separately. This can be removed in BRU by going to Options > Sorting > Sort Files and Folders Together.

Save settings:

This is useful if the same sort of rename operation needs to be done repeatedly. You can select the renaming criterion, including all the character translations, and then save the settings as a Bulk Rename Utility Favourite BRU file. Press [Ctrl] + [S], or go to File > Save. You can later use these settings by going to File > Open and opening the BRU file. This is also useful if the operations are to be performed on different computers. One set BRU file can be transferred then, instead of recreating the settings.


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