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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Versionong and history - Soundbooth CS4

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There are two ways to control versioning and history in Soundbooth. The application will keep a track of each and every step you take while you're working on your project. The steps are displayed in the history panel at the bottom left corner of the screen. You can click on any of the steps to go back to that previous state. But the history has a limitation - it will not be saved if you quit Soundbooth, even if you were to save the project. Which is why the new Snapshot feature comes in handy? To save a particular state that your work is in, click the Snapshot button in the History panel. To restore a Snapshot, click on the button and click the name of the Snapshot. This feature is very useful to get back to different states and try out different approaches to the processing that you're doing.
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