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Sunday, March 27, 2011

jQuery Shell Extension & Chrome Sniffer in Google Chrome

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jQuery Shell Extension:

It is a simpler equivalent of the Grease Monkey extension available in Firefox. The jQuery Shell extension lets you run any JavaScript or jQuery commands on your current web page in a command prompt style interface. It is a very good tool for checking out and testing JavaScript commands and also aids in learning and experimenting with jQuery.

Chrome Sniffer:

Did you ever want to know which technology, framework or open source project a particular web site or portal was using to accomplish whatever it is that it is doing. Experienced web developers usually figure this out by accessing the sites source code, but you can do it very conveniently and quickly by using the Chrome Sniffer extension. It goes through the web page and lists all the knows JavaScript libraries and frameworks and the CMS tools such as Drupal, and WordPress, if any, that are present on the web site.


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