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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Matching Volume - Soundbooth CS4

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Very often we need to work with files or clips that vary greatly in loudness. The variation can be within the clip itself or when compared to another clip. To be able to mix such files, we have to make them sound the same volume level. There are two quick ways of doing this - Volume Equalization and Volume Matching. To equalize volume within a clip select the Clip. Go to edit view and click on Processes > Equalize Volume Levels. This is especially useful when working with voice recordings where variations are common. To match volume levels of two or more separate clips you need to go to the Tasks tab in the left panel and click on Volume Correction. Now drag and drop the files that you wish to process, into the given space. To get stats on the files such as Volume, Perceived Volume and Peak click on the little magnifying glass button right next to the Match Volume button. Now, you can match the volume to a specified RMS value such as say - dB or match it to the average volume of one particular file. Tick the relevant option and hit the Match Volume button. You will see a summary of the changes in dB levels that were made to the various files.


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