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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Priority Inbox - Gmail

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The latest feature Gmail has introduced is the new priority inbox. It targeted and incorporated multiple features from Google Lab into the primary Gmail UI. We recommend this new feature, especially if you receive large volume on incoming mail.

Priority Inbox promises to segregate your email into important and not so important, so that you don't have to waste unnecessary time.
Priority Inbox saves you a lot of valuable time

The Priority Inbox works off algorithms that keep track of user choices and deciphers a relevant pattern in terms of importance in all incoming email. Based on this data and existing trends, it fixes priority for each incoming email. The important mails are tagged and occupy the uppermost segment of your mailbox. Mail gets segregated into Important and unread, Starred and Everything else. Apart from these three default sections, you also have the ability to customize sections under Priority Inbox. Google employees report that such an interface saved about 13 percent of their time.
Make alterations to your Priority Inbox from the settings page

For Priority Inbox to function efficiently it has to learn your preferences initially where you have to mark your mail either as important or not important. This is carried out by the two buttons that get added to the Gmail tool panel after enabling Priority Inbox. The yellow button with a'+' sign marks a mail as important. The white button with a'-' sign deselects an important mail. The algorithm's efficiency is dependent on the usage of this feature. The degree of relevance shall get better only with a larger number of incoming mails, consistent mail content and predefined filters.
Mark your email as Important by clicking on the + sign

The Priority Inbox has a certain degree of flexibility. After a user chooses to enable the Priority Inbox, an additional tab appears in the Google setting panel. The user is given the option to: select Priority Mailbox as the default mailbox, disable priority inbox completely, override filters, or include all mails under a single label.


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