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Monday, May 9, 2011

iPad controlled Mega Yacht

Meant for the uber rich, the soulmates Mega Yacht is a good example of how technology is affecting our lives. Everythings aboard the Soulmat...
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Thunderbird 3.1

Ever since Mozilla Thunderbird launched in December of 2004, it has become the email suite of choice for many of us. Sync contacts...
Thunderbird 3.1
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Hide menu items & Legacy mode in Joomla

Hide menu items: Many a time might come an occasion where you want to hide specific parts mainly certain menus on your website from a user...
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Debug Joomla & Other tips in Joomla

Debug Joomla: Since Joomla is an open source platform, all of the code used to build the CMS is available to you. Also any changes you mak...
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Create sitemaps & Feed in Joomla

Create site maps: Nowadays with a huge demand and requirement for Search Engine Optimisation, the need to create a more user friendly an...
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Embed playlists & Automated email in Joomla

Embed playlists: An amazing way to increase interactivity on your web site is with the ability to play music. You can upload MP3s and crea...
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Jumpbox & Access levels in Joomla

Jumpbox: Traditionally Joomla could only be deployed on a web server. But if you want to run Joomla locally for testing or any other reaso...
Jumpbox & Access levels in Joomla
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Make your own Maps & Favourite places in Google Maps

Make your own Maps: Click on My Maps > Create New Map and start making your own personal maps to which you can add text, images, dra...
Make your own Maps & Favourite places in Google Maps
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Latitude & Without GPS? in Google Maps

Latitude: Stay connected at all times, click on Latitude in the Menu, sign into your account and activate this feature to see your friends...
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Getting Directions & Search in Google Maps

Getting Directions: Google Maps does not give just directions, it actually allows you to choose your mode of travelling and then picks a r...
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Lighting, Quicker render & Resources in Maya

Lighting: A good and 'less processing speed' way for getting the lighting direction right is to turn the 'use selected light...
Lighting, Quicker render & Resources in Maya
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Isolate for easier work flow & More finite control over Scrubbing in Maya

Isolate for easier work flow: One of the handy methods for a faster and easier work flow is to isolate objects and work on that bit and mo...
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Physical Sun and Sky & Blur Camera in Maya

Physical Sun and Sky: An easier way to get an interesting looking sun and sky for your objects is with the physical sun and sky. To do t...
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Changing Maya UI & Handy shortcuts

Changing Maya UI: A handfull of people don't like new look of Maya and aren't entirely sure on how to change the interface without...
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