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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

about:flags in Google Chrome and Tabs on the side

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While not as extensive (or true), about:flags can be considered the nearest equivalent of about:config in Firefox. Simply type about:flags as the URL in a new tab, and you will be greeted with a list of flags that can be toggled to enable hidden features in Google Chrome.

Some of the Tips we will use will require setting flags here. After doing so, all you need to do is restart the browser, and the new setting will come in effect. In many cases this will not be enough to activate a feature.

You are warned before proceeding
Tabs on the side:
If you have a large monitor, you might want to switch displaying tabs on the side, in order to gain more space for displaying tabs. Unlike with Firefox, you do not need to install an extension to get tabs on the side, as this merely requires you to toggle a flag in about:flags.

After you have enabled the “Side Tabs” experiment in about:flags simply right click on a tab and click “Use side tabs” to switch between tabs-on-top and tabs-on-the-side.

Some of the limitations with Google’s side tabs are:

      ·         If you open too many tabs, and the number of tabs is more than what can be displayed in the vertical space available, the list of tabs will not scroll, and some tabs will be inaccessible.

      ·         You cannot resize the horizontal space available for tabs.

      ·         The right-click menu while working with side-tabs is not very clear, it still contains “Close tabs to the Right” which no longer makes sense.


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