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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rename using filters & changing timestamps in Bulk rename utility

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Using filters:

If you’ve ever done any batch processing, you’d understand how irritating it is when files other than what you’re working on get in the way. Assuming you’re naming MP3 files, you really don’t want your ZIP files to get in the way. Now, an easy way out is to use the Sort by FileType option. However, if you don’t want to go that way, you can set up filters. Filters are part of the left bottom panel under Selection (12). This way your rename operations will only work on the files you select. So key in *.mp3 to restrict only your MP3 files. You can also enter in multiple file filters separated by a space (*.mp3, *.cbr, *.zip). Alternatively, you can also set up a filter that prevents access to certain type of files. You might want to ensure that your system files or your DAT or REG files don’t accidentally get renamed. To do so, you can set up a not-filter by adding !*.reg !*.dat. This will select all files except the ones in the filter.

Changing timestamps:

Bulk Rename Utility allows not just the renaming of files, it also allows you to change their file attributes like their date and time information. If you’re renaming a bunch of files, you can go to Options > Timestamp and change the created, modified and accessed dates. A nice feature is the enabling of the Delta option that allows you to set the new date as the current date plus some number. It also includes the option of a negative. This is useful when working with photographs or logs, and the date information is essential.



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