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Friday, December 31, 2010

Uniform theme for root applications & Gnome-DO - GNOME

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Gnome, with its Keep it Simple & Stupid (KISS) policy is the desktop environment of choice for millions and also the defaultoption for Ubuntu, which is arguably the most popular desktop distribution. Here are a few pointers towards tweaking Gnome a little more to satisfy the power-user in you.

Uniform theme for root applications:

If you’ve changed your theme that was installed as a different user, and then launch a GUI application with root privileges, you’ll notice that it still starts with the old theme. To do this, open the terminal and type in the following commands sequentially:
$ sudo ln -s ~/.themes
$ sudo ln -s ~/.icons
$ sudo ln -s ~/.fonts
This creates symlinks for the icons, fonts and theme directory between the current user and the root.


Gnome-Do is an application launcher and much more, inspired by QuickSilver for Mac. Think of it as a supercharged replacement for your [Alt]+[F2] default Gnome-Launcher. In some distributions, it is available by default in the repositories. For the rest, there are detailed instructions on the official
web site at For Ubuntu 9.04 the PPA repositories are as following:

deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main

After this, a simple sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get install gnome-do should do the trick. You can summon gnome-do by pressing [Windows] + Space bar and then type the first few letters to launch an application, open a folder, update your twitter, do a dictionary lookup, control your music and anything just short of learning the art of Zen.
If you can think of it, there is a plug-in for it


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