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Friday, December 31, 2010

Nautilus scripts, Imagemagick & One click to root in GNOME

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Nautilus scripts:

Nautilus is a Gnome file manager and it supports scriptable right-click actions. So you can resize images, converts audio format, encode video for your mobile and more without launching any other application. First go to and download all the scripts. After extracting the package, simply put the contents in your .gnome directory located in your home directory.
These are only scripts and depend on other software for certain functionality, especially multimedia related task. Therefore, it is advisable to install the following packages if you don’t already have them.


This is Photoshop in command line, all image related functionality depends on it. Mencoder and transcode: For audio/video conversion tasks. On a Debian-based distribution, either you can use synaptics to install them or type the following in the command line:

$ sudo apt-get install
mencoder transcode imagemagick

If you find Nautilus Scripts over whelming, you can get some of the functionality by installing the following packages:

A small package that lets you open a terminal in the current folder

One click to root:

If you frequently find yourself moving or editing files that require root permission and find it cumbersome to either use the command line or open a specific folder in Nautilus with root privileges each time, you can make a simple shortcut to save time.

Right-click on any panel or the desktop to create a launcher. In the launcher properties, enter the following:

Type > Application
Name > Root Nautilus
Command > gksu nautilus

So now whenever you click on this icon, a Nautilus window with root privileges will open after authentication.


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