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Popular gaming website, has launched a subscription based gaming service-Zapak Plus, enabling users can download full games on their personal computers and play them via a client, by subscribing to monthly or quarterly plans. Initially, the gaming company is offering around 120 titles from different genres such as arcade, sports, action and others.
Charges for now are fixed at Rs99 for a month of play time, or Rs247 for three month. Rohit Sharma Chief Executive Officer, Reliance Entertainment (Digital Business), says, "Zapak Plus offers and opportunity to millions of Gamers to experience some of the biggest titles in PC gaming at less than Re 1 per month, in the comfort of their homes. Zapak is now a destination not only for Flash games but for PC games, too. Gamers, who hitherto to had access only to highly-priced gaming DVDs or poor quality of pirated game DVDs, can subscribe to Zapak Plus and enjoy good quality full-version PC games at affordable pricing".