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We all have a photographer somewhere inside if us. With the advent camera mobile phones any one of us can be trigger happy photographer making leisure photography prevalent. Phone cameras still don not match up to a professional grade camera and this is where we come in.
It stands for Digital Single Reflex Camera, which means that it has single lens for both viewing and taking pictures. Reflex refers to the mirror which makes the used of a single lens possible to take and view images. You can attach interchangeable lenses, add on flashes and other accessories to a dSLR. While using a dSLR, there is minimum chance of parallax error which is generally experienced in TLRs and rangefiders.
A point and shoot camera does exactly what it's name says - it points and shoots. Abbreviated as P&S, they started out with a fixed lens which pointed up to four feet in front. It had a fixed aperture and shutter speed. P&S cameras have come a long way sense then today they are digital. P&S cameras are fully automatic and can be used without any concern for settings.
Cameras falling under the rangefinder category are high end cameras and are used by photography professionals. As these cameras are professional grade they offer a variety of settings to tweak and play with. However these cameras have a limited focal length which ranges from 21mm to 135mm they also suffer from parallax issues with nearby objects. Rangefinder cameras are expensive to own and maintain.
These cameras are fall between the point and shoot cameras and high end dSLRs. As the name suggests, Mirrorless camera's do not have the mire, which helps in rendering the camera's footprint. They house larger sensors than the traditional point and shoot compact cameras. They are also known as Compact System Camera or Electronic Viewfinder with Interchangeable Lens (EVIL) cameras.
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You might have here a few terms often used in photography conversation. If you can't make head or tail of what's going on, then the guide below is for you…

TLR is an acronym for Twin Reflex Camera it uses two equal sized lenses for taking and viewing pictures. TLRs are twin eyed cameras, it uses a film larger than 35mm the lower lens of the camera focuses directly on the film while the upper lens produces the image which is reflected through 90 degrees by a mirror.
Point and shoot:


Mirrorless inter-changeable lens cameras:

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