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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Superheros vs. Superheros

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Goku vs. Professor X: A super Saiyen vs. the driving force behind X-Men who maintains an army of mutants. If Goku has Kamehameha, then Professor X has mind control and psychic powers. Battle result: Incomprehensible, we won’t survive to find out who won.

Thing vs. The Hulk: It’s a battle between two of the most muscular super heros. Hulk has superior strength, and the angrier he gets, the more powerful he becomes. On the other hand, Thing is intelligent while Hulk is just a big green blob. Battle result: Hulk emerges as the winner.

Green Lantern vs. The Silver Surfer: Silver Surfer can fly through space and is shiny, while the Green Lantern has a power ring that he uses against the forces of evil. Battle result: Silver Surfer would win by slamming his surfboat to Green Lantern’s head.

Daredevil vs. Spiderman: Both these superheros have heightened senses that fine tune them with their surrounding and incoming threats. Spiderman can interlay a trap of webs which Daredevil would easily manage to defeat. Battle result: Daredevil would whip Spidey’s ass with his white cane.

Batman vs. Ironman: Both Batman and Ironman have a lot in common: they love gadgets and women. Batman has years of intensive training and a sharp brain on his side whereas Ironman has just a fancy suit to show off. Battle result: Batman would destroy Ironman’s suit with just his bat fangs.

Superman vs. Flash: This is rather a race to find out who’s faster. Superman would not be allowed to use his flying abilities, whereas Flash seems the faster of the two Superman can still smash him. We’d say the race would end in a tie. Battle result: We say forget the race and chill with a beer!


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