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For the serious headphone-audiophile only

The HD 800 has a brand new design – compared to the HD 650 – new earcups, a much improved OFC cable, new ring radiator drives especially designed to do away with the congested soundstage that headphones are known for: They look space age too – and very well built, with a lot of metal in the design. They’re a comfortable, secure fit, and while the padding on the earcup looks thin, it’s adequate.
These headphones need serious amping. We used a Woo Audio 6SE to power it. If you listen to the HD 800 straight out of your soundcard, you’ll wonder what the fuss is about. When amped, the mid-range clears up, and there is more space between each performer. While not as good as speakers at imaging, the soundstage is expansive – in fact, this would be one of the standout features. Bass is tight, impactful and pleasant, not boomy. The mid-range is wide and open, clear, and rather neutral. The highs are equally well represented – no hint of sibilance, but the HD 800 extends all the way to the top. If anything, the HD 800has a bit more energy in the upper frequency range, but for all practical purposes, the HD 800 is far more neutral than the HD 650 was.
The price tag of Rs 74,995 will make most people faint, but these aren’t regular cans. However, considering that you’ll need to double this amount for a good amplifier and a DAC…they’re overpriced - as any headphone over Rs 40,000 is; but if you seek sonic bliss, this will get you close.

Frequency response: 14-44000 Hz;
Impedance: 300 ohms;
Max sound pressure level: 102 dB;
Weight (without cable): 330 grams
Sennheiser Electronics India
Phone: +91 (0124) 4187800
Web site:
Price: Rs 74,995